
Showing posts from August, 2021

What Is Stage 2 High Blood Pressure?

    Stage 2 blood pressure is not something that should be taken lightly.   If your blood pressure gets to this point you may need to seek medical attention quickly.   Now if that doesn’t get your attention then nothing will.    Stage 2 high blood pressure is when the systolic is 160 or over and the diastolic is 100 or over.   In most cases when a person has a consistent one or the other and often both at the same time, needs to be put on some type of medication.    This is kind of blood pressure can happen when the first stage of high blood pressure is not taken care of.   This condition is like any other type of condition you may get on your body. For instance, if you get a deep cut on your arm, and you put off getting it taken care of, then what happens?    It gets infected, and the cut gets worse and then other factors come into play.     That is exactly what has happened with stage 2 high blood p...

Wouldnt You Love To Look Ageless?

    Everyone has three different ages.   First there is the chronological age which is the age in number of years since being born.   Then there is the biological age which is the age of your body system at a specific time and is affected by a person’s health, their brain, heart, cardiovascular system and skeletal system.   Lastly there is the psychological age which is how old you feel.   You may be 60 years of age but you only feel 40. You can't change your chronological age no matter what you do but you can make some changes to the other two types of age.   Your lifestyle, such as diet and exercise, can alter your biological age and the age you feel can also be changed when you feel better biologically. To improve your health you should eat a balanced, nutritional diet.   Reduce the amount of fats and sugars in your diet and avoid fried foods that only add excess fat to your body and clog up your arteries.   Eat more lean meats, wh...